Thermalyze Image Analysis Software

(current version

PN0177 provides an extensive set of analysis tools to help you characterize the performance of electronic and micro-mechanical devices in many different and insightful ways.

Applications and Features
  • Use Lock-in Thermography to locate leakage current on semiconductor devices.
  • Use Thermal Model Comparison to identify defective components on circuit boards.
  • Draw regions to measure temperature statistics within specific areas-of-interest on a device.
  • Record and play back sequences of thermal images.
  • Import and merge video images and schematics with thermal images to locate thermal anomalies.
  • Create real-time strip charts, line profiles, and histograms.

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Version Information


Software Updates

New Installation





Thermalyze Help

Operation and troubleshooting information is contained in the Thermalyze.chm help file. Click the button below to download and view the Thermalyze Help file.

If you have trouble viewing the file, follow these steps:

  1. Right click the downloaded file and open the Properties.
  2. Under the "General" tab, select the "Unblock" checkbox in the "Security" section (see figure below). 


    New Installation

Following are detailed instructions to install Thermalyze and prerequisite hardware and software. Installation steps are separated into several procedures to simplify installation and aid in troubleshooting. If an installation procedure fails, it can be repeated until successful.

Software Preinstalled: If you purchased the computer from Optotherm, all of the hardware, software, and drivers have been preinstalled on the computer.  The information in this section is required only when updating software or if hardware drivers or software applications needs to be reinstalled.

Dedicated Computer: Thermalyze is a sophisticated application that places high demands on the computer processor and other resources and proper operation depends on the installation of several software modules and hardware drivers.  To prevent software or hardware conflicts that may interfere with its operation, the computer should be employed solely for Sentris use and installation of additional software or hardware unrelated to the operation of Sentris should be avoided.


Review the information and instructions in the links below before proceeding with Thermalyze installation.

Install Order: The following installation procedure must be performed in the order listed below.

Install Hardware

Install Core Software 

  1. Matrox 
  2. NI Package Manager
  3. NI UI 
  4. NI Visa 
  5. Thermalyze Application
  6. D3XX Driver (required for IS640-17 LWIR USB3 camera)

Install Software License File

  1. Software License File

Install Camera Calibration Data

  1. Camera Calibration Data
  2. Uniformity Calibration Data (only required for some IS640 PoCL cameras)
  3. Bad Pixel Replacement File Update

Accessory Installation: The installation procedures above provide instructions to install the core software components necessary to run Thermalyze. There may be additional software/drivers that are required to support Optotherm system accessories. Please see the accessory installation section for installation instructions to support accessories.

    Software Updates

Following are detailed instructions to install Thermalyze and prerequisite hardware and software. Installation steps are separated into several procedures to simplify installation and aid in troubleshooting. If an installation procedure fails, it can be repeated until successful.


Review the information and instructions in the links below before proceeding with Thermalyze installation.

Thermalyze Prerequisites (version to current)

Core Software PrerequisitesCheck if Required to Update
Matrox Setup
Install only if upgrading from versions below
NI Package Manager
Always install most current version available
Install only if upgrading from versions below
NI Visa Setup
Install only if upgrading from versions below
ThermalyzeAlways install
D3XX Driver
Required only for new IS640-17 USB3 cameras

Uninstall Core Software

Open the Windows Apps window and uninstall only prior core software versions required according to the table above.

Matrox Uninstall Problems: If you have difficulty uninstalling a prior version of Matrox, please contact Optotherm support and we will provide a software program called CleanMIL to uninstall Matrox software files.

Install Core Software

Install Order: Perform the following procedures in the order listed below to aid future troubleshooting.

Install the following core software only if required according to the table above.

  1. Matrox Image Processing Software and Board Driver Installation (Important: Do not perform Matrox MIL Licensing)
  2. NI Package Manager
  3. NI UI 
  4. NI Visa 
  5. Thermalyze Application
  6. Thermalyze Version 7 Support for IS320 Cameras (Only required for IS320 camera)

Bad Pixel Replacement File Update

Perform only if upgrading from versions below

  1. Bad Pixel Replacement File Update

Load Default Program Settings

Perform only if upgrading from versions or below.

  1. Close Thermalyze.
  2. Open File Explorer, navigate to C:\Optotherm\Thermalyze and delete the file named Thermalyze.ini.
  3. Start Thermalyze and default values of all program settings will be automatically loaded.
  4. Open the Camera Settings window and make sure the correct Com Port is selected before starting camera communication.
  5. Close Thermalyze. Note: A new Thermalyze.ini file will be created when Thermalyze is closed.


Troubleshooting Tip

Messages Window 

The Messages window displays important information regarding the operation of Thermalyze such as camera communication errors or programming logic errors. 

To open the Message window, click the Show Messages item under the Setup menu or press the button in the Setup section of the Shortcuts toolbar. 

Troubleshooting using the Messages window: 
  1. Open the Messages window and check the "Open Window" box in the lower left of the window so that the window is always displayed. 
  2. Move the window to the lower right of the screen so that it is out of the way and leave it open. 
  3. Error and status messages that occur will be displayed in the window. 
  4. Take a screenshot of the Messages window after an error has occurred and please send it to


For future support issues, please use the following method for capturing screenshots in order to obtain a high-quality image that we can read: 

  1. In the Windows search bar, search for Paint and the right click and select "Pin to Taskbar". 
  2. Press the "PrtScn" button to save a screenshot to the clipboard. 
  3. Open the Windows Paint program. 
  4. Click [Ctrl] v to past the screenshot into Paint. 
  5. Save the Paint image as a .png file to the desktop. 

Intel Virtualization conflict with Thermalyze image capture drivers


When running Thermalyze, a few seconds after pressing the Capture Images button, the Windows blue screen error (Figure 1 below) is displayed indicating an error due to DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VOLATION.

Figure 1: Windows Blue screen error due to DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VOLATION


The problem appears to be caused by a conflict between Thermalyze image capture drivers and a recent Windows update involving Intel Virtualization.  Intel® Virtualization Technology abstracts hardware that allows multiple workloads to share a common set of resources. On shared virtualized hardware, a variety of workloads can co-locate while maintaining full isolation from each other, freely migrate across infrastructures, and scale as needed.

Solution 1: Disabling Intel Virtualization in the computer BIOS appears to prevent the DMA violation error and resulting blue screen.  This is the only work around currently available, however we are actively working on a solution that allows for Intel Virtualization to be enabled.

  1. In the Windows Search bar type “Settings” and open the Settings app.
  2. Click Update & Security.
  3. In the left pane, click Recovery.
  4. In the right pane under Advanced Startup, click Restart now.
  5. In the Choose an option screen, click Troubleshoot.
  6. In the Advanced options screen, click UEFI Firmware Settings.
  7. On the next screen, click the Restart button.
  8. The PC will now restart to the BIOS menu.
  9. On the left, expand Virtualization Support.
  10. Select Virtualization and then uncheck Enable Intel Virtualization Technology.
  11. Select VT for Direct I/O and then uncheck Enable VT for Direct I/O.
  12. Click Apply and when the Apply Settings Confirmation popup window opens, click OK.
  13. Click Exit and the PC will restart.

    Version Information

This topic lists changes pertaining to each Thermalyze version since

Release Date: 02-20-2024

New Features

  • Instrument support of 2230 series power supplies with Instrument Series 2230 Settings window.
  • Help >> Thermalyze Status window.

Bug Fixes

  • GenICam bug fix to correctly indicate when a USB3 camera is connected.
  • Prevent array index exceptions involving queues in pCamSetup.processNewTemps().


  • Instrument Control window "Test" checkboxes renamed to "Output".
  • Updated messages displayed at program startup when ini files are missing.
  • Color palette automatic scaling limited to 1/sec when capturing images.

Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.3
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0
  • D3XX driver ver

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

Release Date: 12-14-2023

New Features

  • Added splash screen.
  • Added Export Image Temperature file menu option to Lock-in Thermography window (Local I-V 2 image format).
  • Added sourcing voltage-Max Voltage and sourcing current-Max Current properties to Instrument Safety window.

Bug Fixes

  •  Fixed "Destination array was not long enough" error.


  • Moved source meter read commands before delay commands in Instrument Control TSP scripts when in lock-in Pulse Power Mode so that SMU displays readings immediately after output level changes.

Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.3
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0
  • D3XX driver ver

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

Release Date: 09-29-2023

New Features

  • Added IS640-17 license file license display in bottom status bar.
  • Added support for commas as decimal  separator in .ini files.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Lock-in Thermography window overlay flipped issue.


Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.3
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0
  • D3XX driver ver

Dependency Changes

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.3 (new version)

Installation Changes

Release Date: 09-13-2023

New Features

  • Added support for Matrox Radient camera link board DCF.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed startup error "milAppError: Allocation error. MsysAlloc The requested system is not (correctly) installed".
  • Measure window now cannot be hidden by Lock-in Thermography window.
  • GenICam functionality added to detect for digitizer error after computer sleep.
  • Delay added to prevent error when transitioning from image capture to camera link board initialization stop.
  • Fixed GenICam error when no ExposureMode selected.


Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.2
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0
  • D3XX driver ver

Dependency Changes

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.2 (new version)
  • Warning: Matrox Setup ver 1.2.2 is missing the file "Soliospfpga.dll" and ver 1.2.3 must be used with Matrox Solios camera link boards.

Installation Changes

  • Installation password requirement removed.
  • Radient-640x480-16.dcf, Solios-640x480-14.dcf,  Radient-320x240-16.dcf added to Config folder and referenced in Thermalyze.

Release Date: 07-24-2023

New Features

  • ReverseX and ReverseY added to Video GenICam Properties window.
  • Main window status bar now displays message when non-radiometric lenses are selected.
  • Connect Online checkbox added to Linear Stage Setup window.
  • Ohm's Law Calculator added to Instrument Control window.
  • Save Startup Settings item added to main Setup menu.
  • Open Control Settings and Save Settings menu items added to Linear Stage Control window file menu.
  • Open Setup Settings menu item added to Linear Stage Setup window file menu.
  • Open Advanced Settings menu item added to Linear Stage Advanced Settings window file menu.
  • Open Settings and Save Settings menu items added to Instrument Control window file menu.

Bug Fixes

  • Video Camera window now supports grayscale formats properly.
  • Video GenICam Properties window now handles properly large values of Packet Delay values.
  • Video GenICam Properties window Acquisition Control Frame Rate now functions properly when Frame Rate Control Enables is not supported by camera.
  • Video GenICam Properties window Packet Size control now increments value properly.
  • Lock-in Phase Image window Auto Scale Each checkbox now functions properly.
  • Lock-in Thermography window now cannot hide Measure window.
  • Fix attempt (not fully tested) IS640-17 image capture bug when camera communication is left on for long periods.
  • Video GenICam code now functions properly when no USB3 or GigE port exists.


  • Video Settings maximum value for Image Buffers decreased to 20; default value now 10; Command Delay maximum value decreased to 1.
  • Thermalyze now supports up to 10 lenses.
  • Lock-in Overlay Merge Show checkbox automatically unchecked at start of lock-in tests.
  • Instrument Settings NPL Cycles maximum value increased to 10.

Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0
  • D3XX driver ver

Dependency Changes

  • MccDaq.exe version 6.7.4 (supports Windows 11)

Installation Changes

Release Date: 06-27-2023

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Image Sequence Movie Creation now scales properly when  Windows scale factor is not 100%
  • Linear Stage Setup Enable/Disable linear stages now displayed correctly in Linear Stage window
  • Fixed inability to enter color palette values that are outside of slider range
  • Fixed operation of Remove All button in Bad Pixel Replacement window
  • Fixed USB communication conflict with IS320 cameras and the Instrument Control window
  • Fixed Show Image Processing Rate setting always displayed as missing setup at startup


  • Missing settings window type changed from error to question

Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0
  • D3XX driver ver

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

  • Program Files\Optotherm\Thermalyze\License folder created during Thermalyze installation

Release Date: 05-29-2023

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Lock-in and Phase windows now correctly auto scale to region
  • Lock-in window color palette scale now drawn correctly when window opens
  • Lock-in Setup window cycle frequencies are now hidden properly for 9Hz camera operation


Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0
  • D3XX driver ver

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

Release Date: 05-18-2023

New Features

  • Added total of 16 locations to Linear Stage Control window
  • Added Max Setpoint with password protection to Thermal Stage window

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Breakdown Protection not supported message in Instrument Control window
  • Fixed Overlay where images not 4/3 width/height ratio were stretched or compressed
  • Fixed end point creation bug when Reading value is outside of camera measurement range.
  • Fixed Set Home bug in Linear Stage Control window
  • Fixed Lock-in Thermography window height too short


  • Serial com ports now saved to Thermalyze.ini as com port name instead of index to prevent issue when operating system reorders com ports
  • Switch positions of Overlay Min and Max controls in main window
  • Default password changed from "1234" to ""

Version Details
Note: All com ports need to be reselected in Thermalyze after installing this version.

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0
  • D3XX driver ver

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

Release Date: 05-04-2023

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed error in pCamSetup.processNewTemps() caused by destination array size of two.


Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0
  • D3XX driver ver

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

Release Date: 04-20-2023

New Features

  • Stop video capture during Lock-in Tests added to Video Camera Settings window

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed linear stage keyboard control does not function for any stage after a disabled stage


Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0
  • D3XX driver ver

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

Release Date: 04-10-2023

New Features

  • License File required to run Thermalyze, unlock specific software features and operating modes, and capture thermal images from a specific IS640-17 camera

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed "commands have not finished" interface lockup in Linear Stage Control window


  •  User inputs set in when Write Settings button clicked in Linear Stage Setup window to ensure operation of safety stop

Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0
  • D3XX driver ver

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

Release Date: 03-31-2023

New Features

  • Keyboard shortcuts window
  • Line Profile X position now displayed in pixel size units, second cursor added with delta displayed, and cursor positions displayed on line profile region
  • Relay support for USB-SSR08
  • Image scale legend on Thermalyze, Lock-in Thermography, and Lock-in Phase Image windows
  • Show center added to Lock-in Phase Image window
  • Palette Auto Scale Each added to Thermalyze window
  • Transfer Thermal Overlay as Overlay added to Lock-in Thermography window

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed User Preferences window Update Image and Update Graphics checkboxes
  • Fixed Thermal Stage window Com Port settings always reverting to 0
  • Fixed region conflict with other displayed graphics such as Show Center crosshairs
  • Fixed Show Center crosshairs deleted when region deleted
  • Regions now visible with overlay merge


  • When Stop button is pressed on controller, focus is given back to vStageUi after message is sent to vMsgBox
  • If Linear Stage Controller is busy, message box is now not displayed and an alert is sounded
  • Now minimizing main Thermalyze window minimizes all open child windows
  • Region statistic test result data grid background colors optimized for viewing when region is selected and not selected
  • Overlay max and min now defines range of pixel values to merge with overlay
  • Measure window Pixel Size range now 0.1 to 10000

Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0
  • D3XX driver ver

Dependency Changes

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.2.0 (new version)
  • D3XX driver ver (first version)
  • Added reference to FTD3XX.dll

Installation Changes

Release Date: 08-22-2022

New Features

  • Video GenICam Properties: ExposureMode property added

Bug Fixes


Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.1.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

Release Date: 10-31-2022

New Features

  • Enable checkbox added to Instrument Safety window

Bug Fixes


Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.1.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

Release Date: 10-13-2022

New Features

  • Linear Stage Advanced Settings window Key Control added

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Lock-in Advanced Save and Export window export Single Phase and Amplitude Overlay check boxes
  • Fixed Strip Chart skipped images when plotting sequence images
  • Fixed Lock-in Phase image size
  • Can now uncheck voltage test boxes in Instrument Control window if communication is lost
  • When saving Lock-in tests, Thermal Model Comparison tests, and sequences leading and trailing spaces are removed from file title because windows folders do not support leading or trailing spaces
  • Added RSYN command to synchronize range with limit to prevent Keithley 2401 problem when current limit is set higher than the present value


Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.1.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

Release Date: 09-07-2022

New Features

Bug Fixes


Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.1.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

  • Added installation of TMC.mdb

Release Date: 09-05-2022

New Features

  • Picture overlay can be applied to lock-in images

Bug Fixes

  • Added missing FTD3XX.dll to installation package
  • Fixed display error when Video window is opened but no camera is connected


Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.1.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

Release Date: 09-04-2022

New Features

  • Picture overlay can be applied to lock-in images
  • Added OffsetX and OffsetY properties in Video Settings window
  • Added User Set features in Video GenICam Properties window
  • Choose to export with/without overlay and Clear All button added to Lock-in Advanced Save and Export window

Bug Fixes

  • All window height and width saved when Thermalyze closes
  • Current and voltage display fixed in Instrument Control window when controlling 2400 series Keithley SMU
  • Measure window stays on top of Lock-in Thermography window
  • Overlay error fixed
  • "Image capture could not be stopped" message prevented
  • Shutterless compensation applied to lock-in cycle images
  • Lock-in images update when test stops


  • Independent operation of two linear stage controllers in the Linear Stage Control window
  • GenICam operation in Video window made more robust
  • Show Center crosshairs enlarged to width and height of image

Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.1.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

Release Date: 07-25-2022

New Features

  • Added Width and Height properties in Video Settings window

Bug Fixes

  • Uniformity Correction window Save Image saves flipped images correctly
  • Error handling added to property set functions
  • Functionality added to property set functions to properly set numerical edit control Minimum and Maximum properties
  • Fixed Instrument Control and Relay menus and buttons visibility and checked status


  • Improved GenICam operation in Video window

Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.1.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0

Dependency Changes

Installation Change

Release Date: 06-30-2022

New Features

  • Center crosshairs in Lock-in window and main image
  • Lock-in window auto palette scale button
  • Lock-in Hot Spot Location
  • Lock-in Setup Test Duration in hours, minutes and seconds
  • Lock-in Test Time in hours, minutes and seconds
  • Lock-in and Phase image overlay Contrast Enhancement
  • Measurement Settings window
  • Linear Stage Setup window
  • Linear Stage XYZ control with homing, memory locations, indexing and keyboard control
  • Thermalyze version in window title
  • Instrument (Keithley 2470) Breakdown Protection

Bug Fixes

  • New "c:Optotherm\Thermalyze\BPR" folder created at startup
  • Phase image updates when Phase window is opened and lock-in file is opened
  • Lock-in Test Duration stops tests


  • Video, Picture windows now display size with button instead of drop-down list
  • IV Curve plot axis labels and division no automatically generated
  • Camera Height window renamed to Linear Stage window
  • Video window default parameter changes to Acquisition Mode default = 1, Gain default = 10
  • Second region toolbar button added below main image

Version Details

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.1.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0

Dependency Changes

Installation Changes

Release Date: 03-30-2022

New Features

  • Shutterless touchup
  • Instrument support for Keithley 2600 source measure units
  • Instrument current sourcing
  • Instrument safety current and voltage
  • Instrument current and voltage range settings
  • Instrument channel settings
  • Instrument support for Sequence and TMC tests
  • Bad pixel replacement

Bug Fixes

  • Bad pixel replacement now performed after lens calibration to fix bad pixel compensation in lens calibration
  • Pre-touchup thermal images now used for lock-in tests to avoid touchup artifacts in lock-in images
  • Fixed 2400 standard series SMU current limit issue
  • Fixed User Preferences window Units selection bug
  • Fixed TMC Test Images message box display opening settings file
  • Fixed region test cell color not changing back to white background
  • Fixed the error displayed as "vProgress: Cannot access a disposed object"


  • Bad pixel replacement saves all bad pixels in UserBprMask.imb
  • The close camera shutter for lens change feature was removed
  • Instrument output turned off first when Setup Instrument is pressed

Version Details

New shutterless touchup compensation is added in this version which resolves the following issues:

  • Prevents periodic interference with image capture and display
  • Prevents image artifacts and reduced sensitivity in lock-in test images
  • Decreases likelihood of requirement for shutter repair

Note: After installing this version, the camera shutter will open only when image capture begins and will not close when image capture ends.

Core Software:

  • Matrox Setup ver 1.1.0
  • NI Package Manager (most recent version)
  • NI UI ver 1.1.0
  • NI Visa Setup ver 19.0

Dependency Changes

  • Removed references to TIS.Imaging.ICImagingControl34

Installation Changes

  • Removed installation of TIS.Imaging.ICImagingControl34.dll and TIS_UDSHL11_x64.dll