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While the camera is powered, large round artifacts are visible in the displayed image. They do not go away after the lens has warmed up.


Author Best Answer

While this problem can be caused or made worse by the lens being out of focus or not being properly warmed up, this problem is likely caused by the Lens Calibration files being incorrectly installed. Please follow the steps on this page:  PN0177-Camera Calibration Data | Optotherm (odoo.com)

Then, please follow these steps to check that the calibration files are correctly installed:

  1. In the top ribbon, click Setup, then Lens Calibration in the drop-down menu.
  2. In the Lens Calibration Window, check that the values in the window are properly populated.

  3. Of the windows displayed above, the window on the left shows that the Lens Calibration files are properly installed, while the window on the right shows that the Lens Calibration files are missing.

 Then capture images and check whether the problem is still present or not.

If the problem is still present, or you are having trouble with the installation process, please reach out to us:  contact us | Optotherm (odoo.com)
