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After a Calibration check was completed, the camera's previous files were overwritten by those that were updated for the calibration check. A user noticed when attempting to download the updated files, only the Download button located on the file's Overview window in Azure would provide the correct updated files. If the user accessed the download link from anywhere else, such as a URL in a direct message or copying the URL given by the Overview window, then the downloaded files would be the outdated files that were previously overwritten. 

This only occurred for a specific user, all other users would get the correct, updated files.​

Author Best Answer

If a user has previously used a URL (either clicking a link or pasting it into the search bar) to download the file, then they may have to clear their browser's cache before downloading another of the same name. 

On Microsoft Edge this can be done by: 

  1. Open Microsoft Edge.
  2. Simultaneously press CTRL+SHFT+​DEL.
  3. Check the Cached images and files checkbox.
  4. Uncheck all other boxes.
  5. Click Clear Now
  6. Attempt to download the file again.

If the problem persists, repeat these steps, adjusting the Time Range box to cover a longer span of time.
