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The camera will not capture images in Thermalyze. There is no indication of the camera communicating with the computer or the camera receiving power.

Author Best Answer

Please check the following:

  • Whether or not there is a power cable in addition to the ethernet cable plugged into the back of the camera
  • Whether or not lights on the back of the camera are flashing

If your camera has no power cable, plug the ethernet cable into the camera and the PCIe expansion board, and not​​ the motherboard port (which is located directly below the USB ports).

If the lights on the back of the camera are still not flashing, then there is likely a problem with your camera receiving power. 

If this is the case, please reach out to us and we may be able to provide you with a power supply for your camera.

After receiving a power supply, please do the following:

Uninstall Dell SupportAssist Applications

    1.  Open the Add or Remove Program window.
    2.  Scroll down and select Dell SupportAssist Remediation and click Uninstall.
    3.  Scroll down and select Dell SupportAssist and click Uninstall
    4.  Scroll down and select Dell SupportAssist Update Plugin and click Uninstall.

 Configure the Network Port

  • NOTE: This will make your ethernet port unable to be used for internet access. If you need to access the internet with this computer, please make sure you have another way of doing so before making these changes.
    1. ​  Open Windows Control Panel, click Network and Internet, and then click Network and Sharing Center
    2.  On the left, click Change adapter settings
    3.  Right-click on the network port built into the motherboard (not the PCIe network card) and select Properties to open the Ethernet Properties window.
    4.  Click the Configure button to open the Network Connection Properties window. 
    5.  Select the Advanced tab.
    6.  In the Properties list, select Jumbo Packet and in the Value field select the maximum of 9014 bytes. 
    7.  Select Receive Buffers in the list and in the Value field select the maximum of 2048 bytes. 
    8. Select the Power Management tab and uncheck Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.
    9. Click [OK].
    10. Right-click on the network port built into the motherboard (not the PCIe network card) and select Properties to open the Ethernet Properties window.
    11. On the Networking tab, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click the Properties button.
    12. Choose Use the following IP address and in the IP address field enter
    13. In the Subnet mask field enter
    14. Click [OK] to close the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties window. 
    15. Click [OK] to save settings and close the Ethernet Properties window. 

Setup the Visual Camera:

    1. Make sure the visual camera is powered and connected to the network port built into the motherboard.
    2.  In the Windows search bar type in “MilConfig” and start the MilConfig application.
    3.  In the left panel, expand the Boards folder and select GigE Vision.
    4.  Check Use Persistent IP, uncheck Use DHCP and in the Persistent IP address field enter
    5.  In the Subnet mask field enter
    6.  Click [Apply] and close the MilConfig application.
