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When attempting to initiate Image Capturing in Thermalyze, the following error message appears:

An error occurred because the com port characters could not be read before the read time-out period elapsed during procedure: read. Camera Communication could not be started.
Author Best Answer

This problem could have multiple causes. Please attempt the following: 

    1. Check that CameraLink Cable is connected ​to both the camera and the  PCIe Cameralink board.
    2. In Device Manager, check that ​the PCIe CameraLink board is present under the Ports collapsible section.
    3. In Thermalyze, open the Camera Settings window. Verify that the com port is set to that of the CameraLink board.
      1. If you don't know which com port this is, check Device manager.
    4. Restart the PC and attempt to capture Images in Thermalyze.
